Sunday, November 11, 2012



Went down to the flea market this morning.
There's only one more week left of it being
open this year so figured we'd go this weekend
since the weather was so nice.
I did something a little different.
I had each child pick out a Christmas gift they
wanted at the flea market.  They could hold it and
look at it in the car on the way home but
once home it was being put up and outta sight.
Don't want the newness of it to wear off.

One son got a tote of train stuff.
Couldn't get the greatest pic of it because of the sun.
The one pic shows hand comparison for
the size of the tote it was all in.
It's stuff to do train layouts with many buildings,
landscaping things, people, fences, cars, wiring, etc.
I didn't go through it to see what all was in there
and only could tell you what I saw on the top.
Guess y'all will have to wait til Christmas also to see, lol.

And the other son got a paintball gun.   
The costs of these gifts will come out of the Christmas savings account!

I bought a package of weather stripping for
our back door for .50 cents
and a couple connected computer fans for $2.00.


Getting ready to eat macaroni & cheese and hot dog
pizza with bacon ranch dressing for sauce and
topped with shredded sharp cheddar cheese.

On and off today I've been working on
getting cans I do have done
(tops removed and 3 holes drilled in each bottom)
siliconed altogether.  This is the longest process
to putting this solar can heater together,
very time consuming.  I still have 76 more cans to do.
Only got 80 done and glued together today.
Hubby also started
drilling out some holes in one of the headers.
It would have been nice if it had not been so windy today!
Had cans blowing everywhere! 

Oooo, Ooooh, Oooooh.....
Same guy, cash in hand.
It's now official!
It's like a brick has been lifted off my chest
and I can breathe easier for the time being.
Thank you God!!


I'm so tired.  I didn't get any laundry done today.
Everyone still has clean clothes to wear though :0)
I haven't been sleeping good lately.
I've tried taking naps during the week days
but end up getting back up.
Yesterday I went to bed early because I was
so tired.  I tossed and turned and would nod
off only to wake back up and not be able to
fall back asleep.  I didn't get to sleep til 2:00am!
Then turned around this morning and
got up at 7:00am to get everyone ready
to go to the flea market.
My butt is dragging and I told the
kids I was giving them haircuts tonight.
I am hoping I can sleep good tonight
knowing that we sold the truck.
You just don't understand how rough it's been for us
here lately.  I can finally pay off my outstanding
electric bill I've been slacking on the last
two months.  


I saw this on Facebook this evening.

"Man Critical After Being Shot Multiple Times"
on channel 28 on Facebook. 
Count 6 houses down from the left
to the blue house.  That's my EX in-laws house!

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