Thursday, November 15, 2012



Got a turkey going in the oven for supper.
I couldn't find my wire rack to put in the roasting
pan so I used a bunt cake pan to stand the turkey in.
It's a smaller turkey at just over 12 pounds.
 I slathered it with honey and an all purpose seasoning.
In about an hour and a half I'll drizzle maple syrup
over the turkey and add
a mix of brown sugar, grated orange peel
(I keep orange peels in the freezer, 
they are easier to grate that way)
nutmeg and allspice on top the turkey
My turkey came with a pouch that said
turkey gravy.  I injected that into the turkey
and then covered it with foil.
I can make my own gravy from the turkey drippings.
I usually put my turkey in an oven bag but
found out that I didn't have any.
So here goes without one.
I just make stuff up for recipes along the way
as to what sounds good or what I have at hand.

I'm sitting here trying to come up with a plan
for running dryer ducts from the solar
heater to the house.  When it's going to be
20 feet or more away from the house you
have to figure out how to insulate your ducts
so that there is no heat loss.  So how
do you do this as cheaply as possible?

 I went to the thrift store in search of a wool
blanket.  They didn't have any so I looked for 
the next best thing, long Winter coats.
I found two, really heavy, 100% wool coats
for $2.99 each.  I plan to cut them up into
strips and then sew them into tubes
to run the dryer duct through.
You figure if these jackets are made to be worn
outside in very cold weather then it should
work well on the ducts for insulation.
Then I would wrap it in trash bags to keep
any snow or rain out.
By doing it yourself with things you can make homemade
can save you lots of money.
Two coats cost me $5.98.
Now compare that to two insulated
duct jackets for $41.56 at Menards!!

100% wool is a very good insulator.
They do make rolls of roll out wool insulation
at home improvement stores to put into
walls and attics.  
It is naturally flame retardant,
naturally resistant to mold,
it does not endanger the health of people or the environment,
and the list goes on that you can read HERE.

Yes I have done my research beforehand :0)


I got the one black coat all cut up.
I think I can insulate 20 feet of dryer duct with it
with the pieces I got from the one coat.


Turkey is done and so is one insulated dryer duct.

Each dryer duct piece is about 6-8 feet long. 
This is the duct we found along side the road for free.
I took the two ducts that were connected apart
and got the one bent back out where it was smashed in.
I took a heavy duty needle and some yarn and 
sewed pieces of the wool in sections around the duct.


Got the other duct insulated with wool.
Put some potatoes and carrots in a pot
to get ready for supper to go with the turkey. 


Now that's what I call a supper!  LOL.
Almost like a mini Thanksgiving dinner minus the stuffing.


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