Friday, November 2, 2012


If you need help paying your heating bill this Winter
you can apply for a program called HEAP,
Home Energy Assistance Program.
Applications are being take from Nov 1 to March 31.
You can print an online application HERE
In the photo below you can read about
it a little more and see an income guideline.


Well this is an interesting way of sleeping in the middle of the floor.
He's a back sleeper.

I also wanted to mention that if you use
or make a solar can heater that you will need
to find a way to cover the holes at night or during cloudy days
when not in use.  If you don't the solar heater
will do the reverse of what it's supposed to do.
It will start kicking out cold air.
I covered the top of mine with the shade
and the bottom with a paper towel.

Forgot all about this til I checked it last night
and felt cold air blowing out of it.
That is the reason when I make a larger, outdoor
version of this that I will be using
one or two of these louvered exhaust dryer hoods.
Only difference is mine has 4 louvers.


Got some ham and bean soup in the crock pot for supper.
It was already made and was in the freezer.
Think I'll make some fried bologna sandwiches

to go with it and call it a meal.

 My birthday is in 12 days.
I told hubby he doesn't have to worry
about getting me anything, not even a card,
as we cannot afford it at the moment!
I have a devil's food cake mix in the pantry
I'll bake.  Might splurge and get a cream cheese
to make black bottom cupcakes since that's
my favorite and doesn't require any frosting.
I love anything with cream cheese, lol.
Maybe it will go on sale with 
stores advertising Thanksgiving items .

Tomorrow's lunch will be hot dogs.
For supper I'll put some whole potatoes
in the crock, poked with a fork, slathered with olive oil
then wrapped in aluminum foil.
Top with french onion potato chip dip
(I choose dip over plain sour cream because of flavor.
Other flavors include ranch, spinach and vegetable to use.
Who says you have to use it just for veggies and chips!)
and a slice of melted American cheese, butter and salt.
That's it for supper.  Potatoes are pretty filling.
Not every meal has to include meat. 


I wish someone would do something about
the increasing costs for health insurance.
It's hurting us to pay this much.
We are paying $616 every month
for vision, medical and dental.
The deductibles are too high and increase every
year.  Copays are too high and some prescriptions
still cost and arm and a leg with insurance.
We are under the standard health plan.
Take those standard amounts below for employee + family
and multiply by two for how much we pay each month. 
That amounts to paying $7,882 a year for health insurance.
Oh and if we don't take an online questionaire
at the beginning of the year for them
our insurance increases another $10.

Mailman just came.  He brought another
prescription from our mail order prescription company.
I don't even know what the 
prescription is for.  Got charged $20 for that.
That's $20 I don't have!!!!!
Now that puts us down even less money that we have.
I hate these mail order pharmacies and
would prefer to be able to go down
the street to a pharmacy in person!! 
Oh and Mr. Mailman brought me a free sample
of coffee today.  Tony will like that.
I've been saving up a bunch of coffee samples
for if we should run out and cannot afford to buy any.


Just called hubby at work.
I guess he's got a little more scrap metal
to recycle tomorrow.  Not as much
as last week.  Maybe an extra $10 to $20 if we're lucky.
Plus he got an old car battery from work that 
we can scrap somewhere.
Hoping to get $7 to $10 for that.
Never scrapped one so don't know
competitor's prices for them.
I think I saw a sign in front of
Interstate Battery saying they buy junk batteries. 
Talking about batteries,
we're still putting hubby's car on charge every couple of days
to keep it going.  Better than not having a car to drive.


Since we'll be cooped up inside this weekend
I thought about getting a head start to baking
some things for Thanksgiving and freezing them.
 I've been eyeballing this copper jello mold
hanging on my wall wanting to possibly use
it to bake cakes in.  I've used this mold before
to make taco bowls by pressing tortillas in them
and baking.

Anyways this recipe for 
Butterscotch Pumpkin Pudding Cake
looked yummy.
Drizzle it with maybe a warmed cream cheese frosting
down the sides.

And I might make some rolls to put in the freezer.
This way there's no rush to make
things at the last minute for Thanksgiving.
Baker's Dozen Rolls. 
Has shredded sharp cheese in them topped
with garlic, honey and butter. 
If need be I can buy a couple ingredients
here and there when I can afford them 
like butterscotch pudding and cheese.


Me and Tony cut up his scrap metal 
he brought home from work.
I'm gonna guess $20 to $25 worth.
We'll see tomorrow morning.

He also brought home a regular car battery
and 2 electric batteries from golf carts
that are no good.
I'm thinking maybe $20 for all three?
I don't know what they go for.


Everyone including hubby was wanting a snack
so I got a box of chocolate chip cookie mix
out the basement pantry.
I made it according to the directions
and pressed the dough out onto a small cookie sheet.
Once baked I wanted to jazz it up some.
I didn't have frosting so made up my own.
I mixed about 1/2 package of fudge instant pudding,
about a cup of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla
and gradually added milk by the tablespoon
until it was the consistency of frosting.
I frosted the cookies and then sprinkled
very lightly with some sea salt.

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