Saturday, August 4, 2012



Got breakfast/brunch frying in a skillet.
It's a throw together breakfast.
I sliced up about 4-5 potatoes and
put them in a skillet with a couple
tablespoons butter and
Italian dressing.  I then cut up smoked
sausage and add it in as well.
From there I started scouring the fridge and freezer
for any leftovers to put in our potato & sausage fry.
I found green bell peppers, onion powder,
1/2 of a beef master tomato, banana pepper juice
from a jar, chicken better than bouillion,
salt, pepper and a smidgen of maple syrup.
Then I was thinking about mixing in some
eggs and cheese once all fried up.

Brunch is still cooking.
I think once we get done eating we're gonna
head to the thrift store to see if I can find
some bed risers so I can get the twin
waterbed drawers under the beds.
Was wanting to go to the scrap place this morning
but ended up with no time to cut up what little
scrap we had because Tony got paged out
this morning for a toilet clog.
Well we managed a yard sale and a thrift store
before the pager went off.
Didn't find much.
Thrift store-
Tony got a car charger for his cell phone for .90 cents.
I got an Ohio Oddities book for .90 cents
Yard sale-
2 Ohio State ball caps.
One plays the 
Ohio State fight song when you press the brim.
.25 cents each.
These hats got for $15 at Kroger.


It's been so hot out today. says it's 91 and feels like 98 degrees.
The air is as thick as pea soup
with the humidity.
Tony's been running back and forth to work
all day with emergency calls, mainly for
air conditioners.  We just recetnly went out
on a call then stopped by Kroger to
get our groceries.  By the time we got
back home the pager went off again.
Me and the kids stayed home so I could
put groceries away and throw some
frozen pizzas in the oven for supper.

7:30 to 9:30pm 

Tony got back from his emergency call
and picked us all up to take the boys swimming.
I know we take the boys swimming a lot but
to me it's getting them lots of exercise.
Tony got yet another call while we were
at the pool.  So close to getting some rain tonight.
As I sat at the pool reading my book I could
see storm clouds to the NW of Columbus.
They never reached us.  Hopefully
tomorrow we'll get some rain to clear the air
from allergens.  Tony's been sneezing and my
eyes feel like sand is in them.

The Lambo was home tonight.
Still hard to believe someone owns one
of these at the apartment complex!
Is this bad ass or what?! 

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