Friday, July 20, 2012



Today is mine and my honey's anniversary.
Don't have the money to go out to eat
at a fancy restaurant.  Decided instead
that we'll pick up some Papa John's pizza
and go sit by the pool tonight with Tony's co worker
to celebrate it and let the kids swim afterwards.
I also got a 12 pack of Kroger diet cola
to save money by not having to buy something
to drink at the pizza place or a convenience store.
It doesn't matter where we go or what we do
as long as we are together.

Still not feeling the greatest.
I've been taking my new medicine
for 1.5 days now.  You feel crappy to begin
with then ya throw in side affects from the medicine.
The medicine gives you a bad taste in your mouth/bad breath
and feels like there is fur on your tongue
making food and drinks taste funny,
it makes your stomach feel queasy
even if you drink plenty of fluids with it
or try to eat something before taking it
and lastly it makes you feel light headed
or have a dizzy feeling.  I'm going to try to take it
(if I can tolerate it that long) for the next 12 days until gone.
I still feel sooo tired and experience the
pain and throbbing at times. I did get some eye drops
last night for the dryness in my eyes I've
been having but that is something I had
before taking the medicine Flagyl.
I try to document everything pertaining
to the Crohn's Disease in my blog
so I have it for my reference.


Here's a little tip I read from Farmer's Almanac-
Fill a salt shaker with flour and store it
in your freezer.  Use it to sprinkle flour onto baking
pans or in gravies to keep from getting lumps.

I cannot afford all these fancy, high dollar
face creams and cleansers so have been
making homemade ones with things from my pantry.
This one was recommended by Dr. Oz-

Aspirin Face Mask

Put about 6 or so aspirin in a bowl.
Add a little lemon juice and crush
aspirin into the lemon juice.
Let sit 10-15 minutes until aspirin has dissolved
then apply to your face.
Wash off after about 15 minutes.

Then I did not want my skin to be
too dried out so I made a mixture
of oatmeal that was ground in my food processor,
a tablespoon of yogurt and milk.
If it was too thick then I added some water
to it and then applied to my face and let
it sit til dried then wiped off.

Don't know what it is lately but it seems
like my face has been getting oily
and breaking out so will see if all
these home remedies will help.


I got a bunch of ripened tomatoes from
the garden and even though I don't feel good
I don't want them to go to waste.
It's not like anyone else in this house
knows what to do with them other
than slice and eat them and there's
too many to eat all at once.
So I'm pushing myself today to get
them boiled, put into a cold bath,
peeled, chopped and then into the 
crock pot to make a meatless spaghetti
sauce to put in the freezer.


Spaghetti sauce is now in crock pot, whew!
I added in some onions, garlic, 1/2 packet ranch dressing mix,
basil, oregano and splenda. 
I'll probably get a can of tomato paste
and add in there to help thicken it up.



Oh here we go again.  I had another person
come to my door (which was open so it wasn't
like I couldn't pretend to be home) that wants
me to change suppliers for my electric now.
He was very nice and understanding when I tell him
NO compared to the one rude and obnoxious person
from a gas supplier.  I couldn't locate my electric
bill to even compare rates.  He said we don't
guarantee a certain rate we give you a discount
of 5% off your bill.  5% isn't a lot of a discount
if you ask me.  I'm thinking that once they add in their
fees and things like that it would be like not
getting a discount at all.
For example 5% off $100 is $5.00. 
5% off of $50 is $2.50.
Woo hoo, said sarcastically.
They are gonna have to show me
a better deal than that.



Just got home.  After Tony got home
from work we stopped by mom's for a few
then went to order a couple pizzas at Papa Johns.
From there we hung out at the pool at Tony's work.
There was the four of us, Tony's coworker
and Damien and his girlfriend that all showed up
and hung out.

Tony got me 2 dozen beautiful roses for our anniversary!

Well it's almost time to take both my
medicines.  I sure don't look forward to the
one and the way it makes me feel.

Nighty Night.

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