Monday, July 9, 2012



Now that's what I'm talking about,
temps about 20 degrees cooler than what it has been! 

This will finally break our 11 day streak of
90+ degree temperatures.
Four of those days were in the triple digits! 

This might rank up there for being a top
damaging storm for Ohio.

-Super Derecho storm '12 June.
A derecho's nickname is "land hurricane".
660,000 without power.
Wind gusts up to 82 miles per hour.
Ohio Storm Chasers Video

-Blizzard of '08 March
-Hurricane Ike windstorm '08 September.
$553 million in damages.
2 million Ohioans without power. 
70 mile per hour winds.
-Ice storm '05 December.
678,000 without power.
4 died.
More than 1.25" of ice on trees.

-Blizzard of '78 January.
Wind gusts 50-70 miles per hour.
1 to 3 feet of snow.
Wind chill -60 degrees below zero.
Over 70 people died.
Snowdrifts as deep as 25 feet.

-Xenia f5 tornado '74 April.
Killed 33, $600 million in damages,
a second tornado swept through
Delaware and Licking counties.


Whelp blogger ain't playing nice today
and a whole bunch of stuff disappeared off
my blog.  I don't feel like reposting it all
so will just pick up from where I had
left off before it all vanished.


Just got home.  Took the boys swimming.
Also invited the neighbor and his kids along
as long as they went in their own vehicle.
Tony has the on call pager today and tomorrow
because the guy who originally had it
had a death in the family.
Plus we have to close the pools both nights as well
because the pool guy they hired got fired
for not closing the pools in the evenings.
I didn't swim this evening
so just sat back and took pictures,
mostly of the clouds floating overhead.


AEP wants to pass costs of outage repairs
onto customers.
Read the story >HERE<

 And I'm sure you are all aware that
before this storm that AEP is wanting to raise it's
rates to customers.

I probably won't even be able to afford my
electric bill after 11 days of 90 to 100+ degree heat
let alone if both of these hikes are approved.
What about the people that lost food and had to replace it,
had to buy generators, extra gas, stay in hotels,
eat out because food went bad, had to hire someone for
tree removal, couldn't work because of no power
 and any other expenses due to power
outages or the storm.  Or what about
businesses that took a loss
due to being closed from no power.
I'm tired of people nickle and diming us all to death
especially in a time of need.
We were under at state of emergency.
AEP says their electric system is not
designed in Ohio to sustain 60 - 80 mile an hour winds
and that's why we had so many outages.
So why aren't they designed for high winds?
There's too much history to report
about Ohio getting high winds that go way back
to not have appropriate wiring or poles.
If we the consumers are required, not by choice, but by law,
to take out insurance to cover damages
from a car accident,
insurance to cover being sick or insurance
when freak acts of nature damage our home then I think
the power company should be required
to carry some type of insurance of their
own to help cover the costs when these
issues arrive.  AEP customers go days
to even a week or more without power.  They're not
making money if we are not able to consume
that power.  Can't charge us for something
we didn't have and can't use.
So now they want to make up for it
and say we will be charged for their repairs.
What the heck are we paying for then.
I thought if it was something electrical
in my home I was responsible for fixing it.
But if it was something from the power line
away from my home it was their responsibility.
They make lots of profit but say part of
that goes towards their shareholders
which already pay into the stock market.
Well to me if the stock market takes a bad hit
then the shareholders looses money.
So why take it out on us. 
Take it out on your profit and shareholders
as well because that's the risk they
took playing the stock market.
Why should they be compensated in
a downfall like this.


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