Saturday, July 7, 2012



You know it's gonna be a hot one when
it's only 10am and it's 92 and feels like 98 degrees already!!
I read yesterday that some areas were experiencing
brownouts.  A brownout is where people have not
conserved power.  When there is a power overload
such as too many air conditioners running at once
in one area the power company shuts that area
down to conserve the power.


It's 95 and feels like 101 degrees.
I really hope everyone stays safe today
and finds some cool air somewhere. 


96 and feels like 104 degrees out.

If you need help from the Red Cross you can call
Hands On Centeral Ohio at
211 (or 221) 2255. 

AEP Ohio has restored power to approximately 90 percent
of the 660,00 customers at this time.
62,000 AEP Ohio customers currently remain without power.


Got the dishes loaded in the dishwasher
and made a couple chicken sandwiches for breakfast, lunch
whatever you wanna call it around here for the boys.
I made me and Tony a bologna and egg sandwich.
Got some boneless pork loin chops in
the crock pot with cream of mushroom soup
and a packet of pork seasoning.

It's so hot all you wanna do is sleep your days away.
Me and Jonathan got up around 10:00am.
Tony's just now getting up at noon.
It's been awhile since we've all been able 
to catch up on our sleep and sleep in. 


Oh my word!
It's 97 and feels like 107 degrees.
Hot as you know what outside!
We just got our cooler out of the truck
and brought it indoors.
Got the windows rolled down in the truck
and the sun shade put on the outside
of the windshield to help keep some
heat out of it.  Checked on the garden
and it seems to be doing good.  Got 
everything watered last night except for the tomatoes.
Hydrangeas are struggling and I keep watering them.
Got about 6 ripened cherry tomatoes
from the garden today.  Those are gone as Tony
ate them when we were outside, lol.
After bit we have to go down and 
figure out how to siphon gas out of
the generator and get it loaded
in mom's truck.  Then also have to help
load the dogs once my brother gets back home from
his trip so mom can take them home.
And don't get me started with that whole ordeal
of when someone wants you to watch their
dogs why do you have to drive an hour plus away
to go get them and then another hour plus back
to take them back home figuring out how to load a
big ass generator and dogs in the truck when they are
60-70+ years old.  Then making the 70+ year old flip
out about this stuff that only we hear about but not
the person who put us all through this crap.
Plus other things
that just irritate me at the moment about it.
Thanks brother!   Hope your vacation went
well while we all suffered in the heat
dealing with your dogs during 4th of July
and went without power and air condition.
It would be nice if his wife ever thanked
us or mom for anything we've ever done.
She does not.  I feel as though she only
acknowledges us when she wants something.
She even had them dog sitting on Mother's Day
and their anniversary.  I would like to try 
this in reverse for her and see how that works out.
Betchya she'd have a major cow.

Oh well onto other things I guess
before I let this heat get to me.

The Heat Is On.


Ok that is really weird.  After posting the
link for the heat is on, I found
Beverly Hills Cop playing on the comedy channel
and are now watching it.


Here lately it seems like I've sent off
for a lot of freebies from Facebook
and other places.  As I get them in the mail
I'll share them with you.
This is what came in ours and mom's mailbox
yesterday, a free Schick Hydro 5 Razor.
This goes for $7.94 at walmart and
$10.99 at Walgreens.
Gotta love those freebies!!



Just got back from the pool.
Been there since about 4:30pm.
Not too sure who's bright idea that was
but it sure as heck wasn't mine.
You would think you'd
get relief from the pool....NOT today!!!
Felt like I could've melted.
Gotta remember our ac in a BLACK truck
works pretty good in the back.
The front was blowing hot air
and I couldn't get back home fast enough.

Temperature on the way to the pool.

At the pool trying to make the most of it.
Our friend Jeff and his lady friend Kendra
was there.  They were cooling off with drinks
other than water if ya know what I mean.
Too funny, Jeffie spilled his rum and coke
and I offered him a straw, LOL.
(he was faking it)

They were all being a bunch of goofballs.
About the only thing you can try to
do in this friggin' heat because if you
let it get to you then you just want
to go beat the crap outta someone.
That's the way the heat makes you feel, irritable!
You start getting snappy at one another.

 The temperature when we got in the truck
when getting ready to come home.
It actually dropped a degree before I snapped the picture.

Oh my goodness I didn't think I 
could go fast enough to get back home.
The air that came from the truck
vents in the front was so hot.
Kids stayed cool in the back.
I was drinking a water and poured
some of it on me while driving!
I don't EVER remember it being this hot before.
Soooo glad to be back home!!!!

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