Stressed out!! That's how I feel at the moment
dealing with getting my grocery list and coupons
rounded up for the shopping trip tomorrow.
Trying to get the most for your money
by using coupons is a big chore but so
worth it in the end. And when someone
offers to take you on a free grocery trip
for your birthday to spend $80 to $100,
you make the most of it and go through
and gather coupons like crazy no matter
how tiring and draining it may be!!
Ok, well here I go. Time to clip the coupons
I have picked out to use and start writing
up that grocery list. It's kind of exciting
wondering how much I will save at the store
tomorrow. Like I said if someone takes
you on a free grocery trip to spend $80
to $100 you use coupons to make that
trip worth $160 to $200!! Well I'm gonna try at least.
Before doing coupons I had to get supper
and other things going on the stove and crock pot.
I put the leftover turkey carcass with whatever
remaining meat on it into a huge stew pot with water.
I threw in a little garlic, onion powder
and basil seasonings. In my crisper drawer
I found a 1/2 stalk of celery that went limp
so cut it up and put it in with the turkey
along with 1/2 of a leftover onion
which I also found in the fridge.
I will use some of this to make some turkey
and homemade noodle soup. Any extra both
will be put into plastic peanut butter jars
and then into the freezer.
Here it is going into the pot.
Showing the size of the pot this all is brewing in.
In the crock pot I am making chili for supper
using these ingredients pictured.
1/4 cup dehydrated onions chopped up more FREE
1 can chili beans .69 cents
1 can diced tomatoes with juice .50 cents
1 roll ground sausage fried up $1.00
1/2 green bell pepper chopped up .16 cents
1/2 container of V8 juice FREE
Optional- Serve with crackers and cheddar cheese on top.
I got all the coupons cut out that I will possibly
be using. This evening I'll write out a grocery list.
What sucks is Meijers doesn't display prices for
single grocery items on their website so I have to guess
how much some things cost. I just need a break for now
from coupons, lol.
zippity do da zippity yea, my oh my what a wonderful day.
So I'm driving over to pick Christopher up off the bus
with Jonathan. Jonathan says, hey there's a bunch of
sales ads there in the grass on the corner of an
intersection. I know for a fact
that The Bags have already been delivered and that
the house by that corner didn't deliver the bags
so they didn't belong to them. It appeared that
some delivery boy just left them there while
on their route. The delivery boy lives about 5 minutes
from here and is in school at the moment.
So before taking them I crossed off any hesitant
questions off my list and put the truck in park,
jumped out and snatched them all up.
I ended up with 17 bags that all had coupon inserts in them.
PLUS I had Tony call me today and ask if I was still
looking for coupons because he's been finding them
at work for me.
I thought my eyes were crossing before from looking
at so many coupons, well wait til tonight after
Tony brings his home to add to the ones I found today.
I finally got a grocery list and coupons
done for the grocery trip tomorrow.
We'll have to wait til tomorrow
to see how much I saved as the list can change
during my store visit since I guess on
a lot of prices.
Now I'm going to stir in 3 homework packets
(that I have to help the kids with),
serve supper of chili, get the turkey put in the
fridge (so fat will harden at top so I can
remove it tomorrow to have broth), wait on Tony to get home
from work (he's working a little late to
try and get some overtime), now add in that I'm
tired and wore out and kids ain't cooperating.
While all city newspapers are different I've been
reading that some people are finding a free coffee
coupon somewhere in their Sunday papers.
I don't get the Sunday paper (cutting back expenses)
so I do not know which section it would even be in
so be sure to thoroughly go through every section
of the regular paper to see if it is there.
Someone also said that in their paper they
got an Aldi's ad with a $5 off $30 purchase.
Once again I do not know if it is in the Columbus Dispatch
but it would be worth checking out.
I have asked mom for her entire Sunday paper
once she is done with it so I will have time
to look it over maybe tomorrow or Wednesday
to see if I can find those coupons.
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