Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Ahhhh, I heard the weatherman use the "S" word in his
forecast for Thursday evening.

I watched the Duggar's last night and guess what?
They are expecting child # 20!!!!
I couldn't even imagine having that many kids
let alone be having more at her age of 45.


Today I need to work on getting some turkey noodle soup made.

Noodles are so simple and cheap to make!

1 cup flour (free)
1 egg (free)
dash of salt

Add water by teaspoons a little at a time
til you get a good binding dough.
Roll out onto a floured surface and cut
or use a pasta roller or machine.

Now when I'm in a hurry or don't feel
like getting my counters all dirty,
I just grab a little pinch of dough,
flatten it with my fingers and then
snip off pieces of dough with some kitchen
shears into some water or broth.
Today we will be using the homemade turkey
broth to cook the noodles in.

I will be throwing these in the pot of soup also-
sliced carrots, cooked ahead of time. (free)
diced up celery, (free- leftovers)
onion & garlic powder, (.05)
cream of chicken soup, (.58 cents)
turkey from carcass I boiled up, (free- leftovers)
salt & pepper, (.05)
poultry seasoning, (.02)
basil, oregano & (.05)
chopped up dehydrated onions. (free)

To make this recipe faster you could
use store bought noodles, canned chicken broth,
& canned or frozen veggies.

I know this will make a lot of soup
so I plan on freezing what we don't eat.

Total cost to make a large pot of
turkey noodle soup .75 cents!



I got a pot of soup made.
I also got 2 reg. peanut butter jars
full of broth, a large butter bowl full
of broth, a large peanut butter jar full
of broth, veggies & turkey pieces.
And I was able to get a gallon zip bag
full of turkey meat.


Easy & Cheap recipe for the holidays.


I've made these before and they are yummy!
Kind of like a Hawaiian bread with a hint
of sweetness to them. Now add that with a little
butter on top and mmm, mmm, mmm good.

2 packages granulated yeast

2 cups warm water

1 box white Jiffy cake mix
(or half a box of Pillsbury or Betty Crocker cake mix-
can use white, butter or yellow cake mix)

1 teaspoon salt

4 cups all-purpose flour or more

Mix yeast and water. Leave set long enough for yeast to dissolve.

Add remaining ingredients. Mix. Cover bowl with a towel and let rise to double.

Punch dough down. Cut out and roll into 24 balls and place in large, greased

casserole dish. Cover with towel and let rise to double again.

Bake at 325 degrees F for 20 minutes. Butter tops when removed from oven.

Sherry's Hint-

You could also put these in greased muffin/cupcake tins instead
of a casserole dish if you don't want the pull apart kind.


Like Scotch Brite on Facebook and sign up to
get a Free Greener Clean Scrubbing Sponge.
Limited to the first 100,000.



If you've signed up to receive the
Free Lego Magazine
be sure to check inside this month's issue
for a FREE DVD!!
Luckily I did and can now put it back for Christmas :0)
On the DVD-
Lego Hero Factory
Lego Cars 2
Lego's Ninjago
Lego's Heroica Adventures
Lego's City
The Best of Legos Shorts

I also got today in the mail-

Free PC World magazine.

Free 7 day sample of Nature's Bounty Fish oil
along with a $2.00 coupon.

Kroger coupons which include 2 free coupons
for eggs and ice cream.


3:00 4:00pm

Me and Tony climbed up on a ladder and cleaned
out all our gutters considering our trees
are just beginning to shed and clogging them up.
When we moved here there used to be screens in the gutters
but we took them all out. Every time it rained, the rain
would just flow over the screens and make the basement
leak some. Since taking them out we have never had
another basement leak.
Now Tony's out in the yard running over leaves with
the lawn mower. We very seldom rake and bag any leaves.
The leaves are a natural and free fertilizer for the yard
and we mulch them up into fine pieces with the mower.


I got about a half bag of apples peeled, cored
and sliced up then put into a bowl with lemon
juice (keeps them from turning a dark brown).
I put them on trays in the dehydrator
and put a cinnamon sugar mixture on top them.

I found bags of apples at Meijer yesterday
marked down to $1.25 each bag.

I priced a small bag of dehydrated apple
chips in Meijer and it was about $5 a
small bag (picture a sandwich bag full)!

I'd really like to get some things dehydrated
and jarred to make things like potato soup in a jar,
apple pie filling in a jar and noodle soup in a jar.
I'm still working on those recipes though
so when I figure something out I'll be sure to post it.

My brother called not long ago to invite us up
for Thanksgiving. I told him I could bring
deviled eggs. I got 4 dozen eggs at Meijers
yesterday for around $1.79 for all 4.
I've always wanted to do up some pickled deviled eggs
so might do some of those along with regular eggs.
You pickle the eggs like normal with beets
and then do them up deviled egg style. Just
remember you have to allow them time to sit
and pickle in a jar before devilling.
I've got a jar of olives that's been in the
pantry for awhile. I could slice those up
and put on the deviled eggs also.

If you know me I have to try and jazz up
recipes. Plus I want to leave an impression
with everyone :0)

I'm sure I will have other things to bring
to the dinner I just haven't figured out
what yet.

Maybe a Peaches and Cream Pie.
I have a family recipe book that I put
our best loved recipes that I make.
Not too many recipes have made it into this
book but this peaches and cream pie has!!
I have made it several times over the years
for Thanksgiving.
Don't make the mistake I did one year and try
to serve it fresh out of the oven.
It needs to chill overnight first to thicken up!
This pie makes it's own crust so no hassle
of making an actual pie crust.
Serve with some whipped cream and you'll be in heaven!


I saw this and thought it was a neat idea.
Someone used a sweater and cut off the arms
to make into leg warmers. Then they used the
body of the sweater to make a tote/purse and
used belts for the straps.


Wendy's on Facebook is giving away another 50,000
free t-shirts. Click on the picture at the top
of their site to enter to play rounds of several
games and watch a video. After you complete
the games and video then you will be asked some
questions. Once completed you will then submit
and fill out a form for your free t-shirt.
You can choose from several designs, colors and sizes.
I won mine and I was # 6,037 out of 50,000.

I won a shirt last time around and got an
either gray Where's The Beef.
This time I got the gray Hot And Juicy.


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