Well it's 4 days before my colonoscopy, something
I've never had done before. Starting today
I cannot eat corn, popcorn, nuts, seeds or beans.
And for any pain I can only take Tylenol,
no ibuprofen, naproxin or other OTC pain
meds. Boy this sounds like it's going to be fun.
Me and mom are going to get my bowel prep kit
now. I've heard too many stories about colonoscopies
and people usually say the prep the day before
is the worst part. The day before the colonoscopy
I have to start drinking the bowel cleaning
meds at 5:00pm to 9:00pm. It will be a total
of 96 ounces of liquid in 4 hours time. How
do people drink all that stuff or not throw it up?
Left to go get prescriptions and are just now getting home.
We went to Walgreens to pick up mom's prescription
and to get mine. Well, they didn't have my prescription
in stock. They even called other Walgreens which didn't
have it either. So we ended up going to Kroger.
The pharmacy and the store area was packed today.
We had to wait 40 minutes to get the prescription
and that didn't include another 20 or so minutes
to wait in the pharmacy line to pick it up.
While waiting and walking around Kroger Tony called
and wanted me to stop by Dollar Tree to pick up some
batteries. We never pay stupid money for batteries
and will always go to Dollar Tree, Family Dollar
or Big Lots to buy batteries at a fraction of the cost.
So today I bought 4 packs of AA batteries,
8 in each pack for $1 each along with a pack
of two 9 volts for $1.00. Not even sure you
could of bought 1 pack of batteries at Kroger
for the amount I spent on 5 packages at Dollar Tree.
I never got lasagnas made yesterday with all
the house cleaning I was doing. So I might work
on that today if I find time.
I did manage to get a ham in the crock pot.
Usually for New Years I have a pork roast.
This year will be a ham instead.
I did up the ham the same as I did
for Christmas.
I slathered on a mix of honey mustard and maple syrup
to coat it. Then I coated it in brown sugar
and sprinkled allspice seasoning on top and put
it in a crock with a couple cups of water and
added Better Than Bouillion.
Well I'm going to eat a late lunch.
Mom bought some Kroger deli chicken wings for
us and we're having them with bleu cheese dressing,
and a baked potato topped with butter, salt,
parmesan & real bacon bits.
Got all the lasagnas made for the freezer.
I've been in pain most of the time making it.
We don't have any Tylenol and I had to send
Tony out for some. But anyway I managed to
get three made with the ingredients I had on hand.
2 1/2 pounds hamburger (free)
3 cans of tomato sauce, only 2 pictured (.39 cents x'3 is $1.17)
1 can diced tomatoes with juice (.59 cents)
1 jar spaghetti sauce ($1.00)
1 pound box lasagna noodles (.89 cents)
1/2 box barilla lasagna noodles, not pictured (free)
garlic (.05 cents)
Italian grinder seasoning (free)
1 large container cottage cheese ($2.00)
1 1/2 pkgs, 3 cups, mozarella cheese ($3.00)
TOTAL COST to make 3 pans of lasagna- $8.70
each large pan is 2 meals or 16 servings
small pan is 1 meal or 4 servings
5 meals for $1.74 a meal or .43 cents a serving
I've been a cooking fool today, lol.
I think I did a pretty good job at making
lasagnas at this price. A Stouffer's lasagna
is about $10 to $15 each at the store!!
Now let's see if I feel like cleaning out my bathroom
closet and the cabinet under my sink.
This was on the list of my things I wanted
to get done today. I took some Tylenol and
it doesn't work no where as good as ibuprofen does.
It only takes the edge off the pain and doesn't
take it away completely.
Ok change of plans. My energy has run out so I think
I'm gonna go lay down and take a nap. When your whole
body feels like it's inflamed your best bet is
to just rest.
I ended up taking a three hour nap!
Got up and had a ham sandwich then decided
I wanted something sweet. Just now started making
a roll of those Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm Good!
Oh, I didn't tell ya, today while in Kroger and had
40 minutes to walk around the store to kill time, I priced the
chocolate chip cookie dough at $4.39 a roll!!
I guessed they were about $3.00 a roll.
$4.39 a roll x's ten is $43.90 regular.
I paid $4.90 after the manager special and coupons for 10 rolls.
A savings of $39.00!!
Ahh, I took a hot bath to soak the achy, breaky muscles.
Hey, check out my new tattoo, lol.