Breakfast this morning is sausage, biscuits and gravy.
I love ground maple sausage but when I saw a roll
for almost $4.00 I started looking for another option.
I found a package of Kroger brand maple sausage patties
for $2.50. It was only 4 ounces shy of a pound
compared to the pound ground and rolled sausage
but it was $1.50 cheaper than the higher priced sausage
when trying to stay within budget. I put the sausage patties
in a skillet with a little water and fried it up like
I would have with ground sausage.
While that was cooking I put an 8 count can of
large Kroger biscuits in the oven.
Once the sausage was done I added in 4 cups water
and 2 packages of Pioneer brand sausage flavored
gravy mixes. Stir until it thickens then pour
over top your biscuits. Yummy!
Been working some more on my pantry shelves. At the moment
I ain't too worried about getting them all painted.
I got 14 more shelves put in and about 4-5 more to do today
because I am running out of screws.
Working on my Sunday laundry. Pen + Dryer + Clothes = A mess!!
Someone, we won't mention any names, left a pen
in an article of clothing which made it into my dryer
ruining 3 work shirts, a sweatshirt of mine and a pair
of underwear. And now I get to go clean out my dryer
with all the ink splotches all over the inside of it!!!
I googled how to clean ink out of a dryer and I found
that many people had luck with fingernail polish remover.
So that's what I used. While it didn't remove it 100%
it did a good job of removing most of it.
I don't have to worry about it getting on anymore clothes.
Last load of laundry in the washer, Thank Goodness.
I also started filling the canning jars on the
pantry shelves with bagged items. I cut out a part
of the label off each bag and taped to the fronts
of the jars. Slowly but surely. Most of the pantry
items I'm working on at the moment are for baking and decorating.
Things I've stocked up on after holiday sales.
For example-
bags of marshmallows .25 cents and bags of candy corn .25 cents.
I'm exhausted from going up and down basement stairs.
Working on supper now. We're having-
fish sticks (couldn't tell you the last time we
had fish sticks. A couple years ago at least!)
and Homestyle Kraft mac & cheese
(found in the mark down bin at Kroger).
I'm making homemade tarter sauce as well
with mayo, sweet pickle relish, lemon juice,
salt & pepper.
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